Allworth Park


Allworth Park


This 20th Century, Fictional Historical Drama follows the fortunes of the wealthy and titled Benbrook family who are owners of the grand Cotswold estate known as Allworth Park. They are left feeling bruised and in a state of distress by the suicidal death of their children’s tutor, Cynthia Heywood. Miss Heywood, a young, educated girl besotted by Lady Caroline’s handsome young Godson and professional womanizer, Captain Teddy Danvers. She is also the long time lesbian lover of one Herminie Wilson, well reputed local podiatrist.

After a shocking series of events, Herminie Wilson herself has to admit that she too has been physically entwined with the very same wayward soldier of fortune. With Danvers having his life ended in a duel, the ‘expectant’ Miss Wilson is whisked away to the Benbrook’s Scottish estate at Andruchmore for her confinement.

 A healthy boy child is born but Herminie is unable to overcome the effects of a virulent infection caused by the birth and passes away within a matter of days. With Lady Caroline and Lord Edward Benbrook forced to investigate Herminie’s estate, a fortune is discovered and the newly named child, Alexander Thomas Wilson-Faber, is placed in the care of the wonderful Mrs. Jameson, cook and life-long dedicated servant to the family at Andruchmore.

What happens next, as the story of Alexander, the Benbrook family and Allworth Park gradually unfold will take the reader forward from the year 1901 to the year 1940. The post 1914 - 1918 war event would be a time when hedonism ruled in English society followed by national poverty in the form of the great depression.

Alexander, or simply ‘Zander’ as he preferred to be addressed, would become a man of physical and intellectual strength. Running a life in parallel would be the beautiful Victoria, youngest daughter of the Benbrook’s.

However, as the boy turned into a man, the big question for everyone at Allworth would be ‘was Zander family or not?’ So therein lays the story of a life that would carry the sometimes heavy load of emotional pain, make the frustratingly difficult decisions demanded by pressing loyalties and contend with physical desires that would overwhelm him at times and be frustratingly out of reach at others.

Allworth Park is a full length novel providing the best in modern, 20th Century Historical Drama. It follows the path trodden by some vibrant actors centered on one tough but resilient character; a boy born out of wedlock but with the ambition of kings. Emotionally tense in some places, sexually frank in others, this is a spellbinding adult read all the way through. Allworth Park will remain a story to excite and possibly provoke your passions; but that’s what a good story is supposed to do … isn’t it?